Were are they? We went to film and interview this event and when we arrived around 10:30 am today no one was there. Some county employees said that everyone packed up and left. There was a safety concern due to storm forecast and it was decided to close up a bit early. We look forward to covering this event next year.

What would you do if all communications were out?  No cell phone, no home phone, nothing.  (Anyone remember Hurricane Ivan?)
This is where Amateur Radio plays a very important role.  To get a close-up view, everyone is invited to come out today to Navarre Beach and see what Amateur radio is all about and the capabilities we can provide to the community in the event of an emergency.  Navarre CERT and the Emerald Coast Amateur Radio Association is teaming up with Santa Rosa County Emergency Management to participate in an event called Field Day.
This is an event where we operate under simulated emergency conditions for a 24-hour period.  Start time is 1:00 p.m. today (Saturday) and will conclude at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday.  We will attempt to make contacts by ham radio to other stations throughout the US and the world.  We will also have disaster preparedness information available to help you prepare for the next tropical system.
We will be located almost due east of Juana’s, next to the Navarre Beach Marine Science Center.  Bring the kids!  We’ll get them on the air too!  Look for the Emergency Management trailer and all the antennas!