Home Santa Rosa County GULF BREEZE LIBRARY


UF/IFAS Extension will present monthly topics of interest to residents at the Gulf Breeze Library, 1060 Shoreline Drive, on the third Friday of each month at 10 a.m. Topics include:

Vertebrate Pests – May 20
Alarmed about armadillos  mad at moles and other vertebrate pests such as snakes, squirrels, rabbits, and woodpeckers? Join John Atkins, UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa County Agriculture Agent, to learn how to manage these pests.

Citrus for the Homeowner – June 17
Join Blake Thaxton, UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa County Commercial Horticulture Agent, to learn about citrus varieties that thrive in the panhandle and how to plant them. Learn about caring for your citrus as well as how to control common pests and diseases.
Palms for the Panhandle – July 15
Jim Danos, Florida Master Gardener, will give a presentation about palms that thrive in the Florida Panhandle. Topics will include how to plant, prune, fertilize and otherwise care for palms.
Beneficial Insects – August 19
Join Mike Donahoe, UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa County Agriculture Agent, to learn about the native beneficial insects in the panhandle and how they can control the ‘bad bugs’ in your landscape and garden.
Monarch Butterflies – September 16
Patricia Fandt, Florida Master Gardener, will give a presentation about the unique biology of the monarch butterfly and how to attract them to keep them in your landscape.
Fall Vegetable Gardening – October 21
Fall can be one of the most enjoyable times to vegetable garden. The extreme heat of summer is gone and many of our traditional spring crops can still be grown along with our cooler season crops. Mary Derrick, UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa County Residential Horticulture Agent, will present topics that include benefits and obstacles of fall vegetable gardening, appropriate crops and varieties, and other general gardening information.