Home Events Herbal and Health Wellness Workshop

Herbal and Health Wellness Workshop

Herbal and Health Wellness Workshop


Join the University of Florida/IFAS Extension and Git Fit Qwik Health/Fitness Club on Monday, Feb. 8 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at 5250 Stewart St, Milton (under the Fitness and Fashion sign) for a workshop on Herbs, Health and Fitness. The workshop is free, so bring a friend to share the experience. Call Git Fit Qwik Health Club today to reserve your spot at (850) 375-4927 or Hope at (850) 341-4323.


During this interactive event, learn how to take the fat and salt out of dishes but leave the flavor by seasoning with herbs. Sample healthful foods that taste as good as they are for you. Learn how to safely prepare, preserve and store herbs. Next, you are invited to participate in brief fitness demonstrations on yoga, cross-training and women’s self-defense. Come prepared to Git Fit Qwik for a new you in the new year!  A few select vitamin and supplement vendors will also be available to provide helpful nutritional information for optimal health, metabolic and energy levels.