Home Government Mike Priest Announces Candidacy for County Commissioner District 5

Mike Priest Announces Candidacy for County Commissioner District 5

Santa Rosa County, FL – Mike Priest, a dedicated former law enforcement officer, officially announced his candidacy for the Santa Rosa County Commission District 5 today as a proud Pro-Trump MAGA Republican.








His campaign will emphasize conservative values, robust community safety, transparent governance, and a commitment to exposing and preventing misuse of taxpayer dollars.

Mike Priest’s decision to run was significantly influenced by recent revelations of fiscal mismanagement within the current administration a public official.

“With years of experience in law enforcement, I’ve always upheld the principles of accountability and integrity,” said Mike Priest. “It’s crucial that our county’s leadership reflects those values. I am running for County Commissioner to ensure our governance is transparent and our taxpayer money is used responsibly.”

Mike Priest’s campaign will focus on several key priorities:

  • Strengthening Public Safety: Leveraging his law enforcement background to enhance community safety and support local agencies.
  • Promoting Responsible Development: Advocating for smart growth policies that preserve Santa Rosa County’s character and natural resources.
  • Upholding Conservative Fiscal Policies: Committing to oppose tax increases and wasteful spending, ensuring efficient use of public funds.

The campaign invites all members of Santa Rosa County to support Mike Priest as he aims to bring experienced leadership and a clear, accountable vision to the County Commission.

About Mike Priest

Mike Priest is a former law enforcement officer dedicated to principled leadership and community service. His extensive experience in public safety and his commitment to fiscal responsibility make him a strong candidate for Santa Rosa County Commission, determined to improve the community through transparent and effective governance.

A devoted Christian, Mike always puts God first in his life and decisions. He believes in bringing integrity, transparency, and accountability to local government. Mike Priest is committed to serving the people of Santa Rosa County with honesty and dedication.