Home News Darliene Stanhope selected as Santa Rosa County’s employee of the quarter

Darliene Stanhope selected as Santa Rosa County’s employee of the quarter

County Administrator Dan Schebler (right) presents Darliene Stanhope with the employee of the quarter award

Darliene Stanhope, planner III, was selected as Santa Rosa County’s employee of the quarter. Stanhope has been employed with Santa Rosa County since 2006 serving in several planning positions, including the “planner on call,” board support, development review and currently a planner III in long range planning with primary responsibilities in GIS. This is Stanhope’s second career with the county, having worked with the planning department shortly after it was created and helping create the county’s original zoning maps.

Always the first to step up and volunteer, Stanhope takes initiative in the development services office. In addition to maintaining the department’s GIS layers, she also scans all the case folders and keeps databases current. Stanhope consistently offers land development code and general training sessions for professional development and education for staff planners. Most recently, she created GIS map stories on the department’s web pages identifying the commercial projects and subdivisions approved over the last few years. Her behind-the-scenes production of statistics, mapping and data management is extremely beneficial to the county and public.

“Because of her knowledge and history with the county, Darliene is a real asset to development services,” said Shawn Ward, planning and zoning director. “We appreciate her willingness to go the extra mile during transitions – all while maintaining a very positive attitude – and look forward to many more years with her as part of our team.”